Troop 75's 🦅 Eagle's Nest
Troop 75 has over 135 Eagle Scouts through our history dating back to 1927.
Eagle Scout It's not a destination, it's a journey! |
Troop 75 Eagle Scouts A tradition of excellence!
Chronological Order |
Alphabetical Order |
First Name
Edward George Raymond Donald Stanley Gilbert Austin James Edward Lynn Wayne Jack Bruce William Phillip Virgil William Stephen Richard Laurence Kevin Stephen Gene David Edmon Larry William Joseph Timothy Greg Garry Kurt James Richard Fred George Timothy John David William Peter Patrick Kevin Jim Jeff Geoffrey Randall Randy Phillip Eric Guy Stephen Kevin Jerald Robert Roger Robert Joseph Christopher Scott Jackson Lewis Neil Sean John Duwayne Philip Mitchell William Terence Curtis Edward Andrew Randall Daniel Paul Timothy Jason James Michael Richard Cory Matthew Cory Daniel David Benjamin Timothy Geoffrey Patrick Jeffrey Thomas Daniel Tri Christopher Dang Viet Thang Silverton Quoc Andrew Joseph Hung Gia Samuel Daniel Daniel Forrest Joshua Matthew Kyle Jake Sean Andrew Ryan Michael Jun Jonathan Grant Han Daryl Jonathan William Scott Travis Franklin Matthew Dale Kevin Jesse Alexander Ethan Oscar Walker Daniel David Kenneth Alberto Kenton |
Last Name
Bruns Trout Campbell West Bungay Franzen Griffith Starr Sockerson Ference Polley Lewis Koepke Kessler Forbes Green Haywood Amo November Keating Kessler Conrad Hughes Rodman Horton Moore Curren Ryan Sterling Syperda Devinney Walter McGeorge Walter Harding Peters Aitelli Egan Forrester Aitelli Thomas Long Rodriguez Neumann Hand Houston Barnes Jones Takach Lindsey Grabe Harding Neumann VanMatre Schumacher Schumacher Magee Walker Ross Lindsey Harmon Mclean Shrum Peters Layton Smith Halbreich McMahan Tungseth Radi Thompson Westover Schumacher Lozano Adling Isaacson Thorpe Hess Thorpe Philippi Cottonaro Duffy Mack Westergaard McAlroy Hager Corriveau Ray Hughes Lovas Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Vu Tran Tran Nguyen Tran Loring Schweitzer Tran Morabito Granados Murphy Doan Crisafulli Herndon Marx Wiertzema Collens Chen Whitehouse Newton Egashira Schweitzer Marx Tran Tindle Cline Gabriel Collens Roberts Joo Doss Cavender Pham Foley Collino Emerson Flores Keally Cavender Cerda Anderson Cerda Diazleal |
First Name
Paul John Peter Richard Kenneth Randy Edward Stanley Raymond Dale Daniel Alberto David Andrew Jonathan Scott Sean Alexander Gene Timothy Cory Joshua Joseph Kurt Kenton Forrest Matthew Matthew David Jun Ethan Lynn Wayne Oscar Jesse Virgil William Gilbert William Stephen Daniel William Austin Benjamin Mitchell Geoffrey George Kevin Lewis Stephen Matthew James Larry Randall David Patrick Timothy Phillip Franklin Walker Kevin Phillip Stephen William Duwayne Bruce Guy Jackson Kevin Andrew Jeffrey Daniel Cory Joseph Grant Kyle David Richard Neil William William Samuel Daniel Jeff Jerald Michael Christopher Daniel Silverton Thomas Tri Laurence John Timothy Kevin Richard Jack Curtis Geoffrey Travis Edmon Jim Scott Timothy Randall Robert Roger Jonathan Joseph Sean Philip Edward James Greg Garry Eric Patrick Edward Jason Michael Daryl Han Hung Gia Quoc Thang Viet George Terence Robert Dang Christopher Fred James Donald Daniel Andrew Ryan Jake |
Last Name
Adling Aitelli Aitelli Amo Anderson Barnes Bruns Bungay Campbell Cavender Cavender Cerda Cerda Chen Cline Collens Collens Collino Conrad Corriveau Cottonaro Crisafulli Curren Devinney Diazleal Doan Doss Duffy Egan Egashira Emerson Ference Flores Foley Forbes Forrester Franzen Gabriel Grabe Granados Green Griffith Hager Halbreich Hand Harding Harding Harmon Haywood Herndon Hess Horton Houston Hughes Hughes Isaacson Jones Joo Keally Keating Kessler Kessler Koepke Layton Lewis Lindsey Lindsey Long Loring Lovas Lozano Mack Magee Marx Marx McAlroy McGeorge mclean McMahan Moore Morabito Murphy Neumann Neumann Newton Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen November Peters Peters Pham Philippi Polley Radi Ray Roberts Rodman Rodriguez Ross Ryan Schumacher Schumacher Schumacher Schweitzer Schweitzer Shrum Smith Sockerson Starr Sterling Syperda Takach Thomas Thompson Thorpe Thorpe Tindle Tran Tran Tran Tran Tran Trout Tungseth VanMatre Vu Walker Walter Walter West Westergaard Westover Whitehouse Wiertzema |
Kenton Diazleal